Orders are dispatched within 1-3 working days.
Please note orders are not dispatched on Public Bank Holidays.
Standard delivery is by first class post. While most orders arrive within 1-3 days after dispatch, there are occasions where your order may take up to a week to arrive.
A tracking number is provided for 1st class signed for post but this is only tracked at the point of delivery, or attempted delivery and will tell you if your order has been delivered or an attempt of delivery It will not tell you where it is in Royal Mail’s system.
Express delivery – your order goes to the top of the queue and is sent by RM Special Delivery, which is fully tracked and guaranteed to arrive the day after dispatching.
Unfortunately we don’t deliver outside the UK.
At Paper Chic we aim to exceed expectations. We carefully handcraft our cards with the highest quality products. If you do receive card from us that do not meet your expectations for whatever reason, you can return them within 30 days for a refund or exchange.
To request a return, please email us at paperchic@gmail.com state your order number, name and address and the reason for the return and we will advise you how to return your card.
We normally process your refund to your credit/debit card or PayPal account used when checking out.